CREATE Framework
In this Digital age, increased technology adoption should lead to job creation. Yet, we see mass layoffs across the tech industry. The biggest challenge that lies before us is that of Job Creation when 2.6 billion of the world are out of the internet era, and populations lack the financial wherewithal. The Job Maps created in this Framework of Project CREATE focus on ensuring ‘Internet For All & Livelihood For All’ by creating decentralized technology models around individuals and communities.
Internet & Jobs Report 2022
The internet has a ubiquitous influence globally. The use of the internet is unavoidable and Unstoppable. Still, 2.6 billion people are not connected to the Internet. The report, ‘Internet & Jobs 2022’ highlights key aspects associated with the Internet and job creation in the digital age, and the carbon footprint of our digital footprint.
Internet Jobs 2021
The Internet is not merely a universal platform for connectivity; it is now among the basic necessities of life and a social determinant of health. Simply put, the Internet is indispensable. The right to Internet access is a precursor to the right to life. In today’s times, the virtual world is where most action lies.The report, ‘Internet & Jobs’focuses on the role of the Internet and Internet access in bridging the divide between education and jobs leveraging Internet tools.
Internet Jobs 2020
Over the last few decades, advancement in internet technologies has enhanced the availability and ease of the employment sector. The wide reach of the Internet has impacted employment and entrepreneurship and the current market scenario, and this remains to be fully understood to leverage its full potential. The report “Internet & Jobs,”aims to shed light on the influence of the Internet on current employment and entrepreneurship scenario and makes recommendations based on the survey to leverage the full potential of the Internet.
Responsible Internet Usage 2022
The Internet is now an integral part of our daily routine, and for those reading this, our lives revolve around the Internet and mobile devices. As we say, there is a digital footprint in all we do on the Internet; there is also an equivalent carbon footprint of the digital footprint, be it sending an SMS, WhatsApp, an email, browsing, or conducting a conference. No wonder the climate crisis is aggravating beyond our comprehension, and internet usage could also be a contributor to the degradation, so it is time to reflect and take steps to check our digital footprint and the consequent carbon footprint. The report, ‘Responsible Internet Usage’ unveils the’Internet Etiquette’, and serves as a primer for debate and further studies to create awareness and sensitization so that we become responsible in our actions to leverage the Internet.
Sustainable Automation
Automation is certainly taking away low-value and routine jobs. The report, Sustain-Able Automation provokes us to think if automation will lead to a job crisis in the third world, and if it is time we consider sustainable automation as SDG-18. The study quotes the need to choose between a small number of large companies and a large number of small companies.
Achieving Internet for All and Livelihood for All