Project Create

Let’s know about CREATE

Project CREATE (Collaborate to Realize Employment & Entrepreneurship For All Through Technology Ecosystem) was announced by Dr. Rajendra Pratap Gupta, Chairman of Dynamic Coalition on Internet & Jobs, Internet Governance Forum (IGF), at the 17th Annual IGF meeting in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on 30th November 2022.

Earlier, he had talked about creating jobs using technology during the closing ceremony of IGF, Paris, in 2018, and later, at the IGF platform, in 2021, he talked about the idea of having ‘a large number of small companies driving the internet than a small number of large companies’.

Watch the video where CREATE was launched

Our Vision

Project Create Vision
Internet For All Livelihood For All

CREATE - Our Future

The initiative invites stakeholders to join hands and draft a blueprint for the governments and organizations to implement that will ensure ‘Internet for All’ with an overarching theme to provide ‘Livelihood for All’.

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